Novogratz shares the personal story of her journey as a leader and the experiences that led her, together with colleagues, to start Acumen, a nonprofit global venture fund that uses entrepreneurial approaches to tackle poverty.
Oliveira makes the case that the nonprofit sector, more than any other, is positioned to transform communities by “dismantling the demeaning ways we structure ourselves as human beings,” often driven by racism, classism, sexism, able-ism and ageis
In more than a decade of research and surveys on nonprofit leadership, The Bridgespan Group observed that the number 1 organizational concern expressed by boards and CEOs
Acumen Academy is a globally accessible online leadership training program providing thousands of emerging leaders around the world with the skills and moral imagination they need to become more effective at changing the way the world tackles pove
Business owners all over the country are seeing increasing demand for their company’s participation in philanthropy as younger generations enter the workforce.
Developing talent that is prepared to respond to a fast-changing global society is a challenge for all sectors, but nonprofits are plagued with a unique set of challenges.