Marcus Scurry was born and raised in Greenwood, South Carolina. As a child, he experienced numerous challenges and hardships which allowed him to have a passion for serving those less fortunate than him. He attended and graduated with honors from Johnson C. Smith University located in Charlotte, NC and while there started The Collegiate 100 (a college-based mentoring program) as well as a Saturday tutoring program for local elementary students. After graduating from Smith, he realized that his corporate America job at The Vanguard Group was not fulfilling his life’s purpose and thus, Marcus took a calculated risk and began working in the nonprofit world. This risk turned into a positive career move and since 2005, Marcus has been working in the nonprofit sector ever since. He is currently the Program Director of the CAMBA Pink Houses Cornerstone program located in east New York. He is also the founder and creator of the Young, Fearless and Black (YFB) brand, Real Men Mentor mentoring program and the Marcus Scurry Minority Male scholarship fund. In the future, he plans to launch a Charter school for middle school young men of color.